Transfer Pricing

assessing your intercompany relationships to design customized solutions

Transfer pricing refers to the pricing of goods, services, or intellectual property transferred between related entities, such as parent and subsidiary companies, within a multinational enterprise. 

It is an important issue for tax authorities to ensure that transactions between related parties are conducted at arm's length, meaning the prices are comparable to those in transactions between unrelated parties.

In Switzerland, transfer pricing regulations are primarily governed by the Swiss Federal Act on Direct Federal Taxation (FADT) and the Swiss Federal Tax Administration (SFTA). The SFTA provides guidelines on transfer pricing documentation requirements and the methods for determining arm's length prices.

We recognize the importance of developing transfer pricing strategies that align with your specific circumstances. 

Risk Mitigation

Transfer pricing regulations are constantly evolving, and non-compliance can result in significant financial penalties and reputational damage. With our services, you can rest assured knowing that your transfer pricing policies and documentation are in full compliance with local and international regulations, minimizing the risk of audits and disputes.

Global Perspective

Operating in a global marketplace requires a thorough understanding of local tax laws and cross-border transactions. Our experienced team possesses a deep knowledge of transfer pricing regulations in multiple jurisdictions, ensuring seamless compliance across your global operations.

Efficient Documentation

We assist you in preparing robust transfer pricing documentation, including master files, local files, and country-by-country reporting. Our meticulous approach ensures that your documentation is comprehensive, defensible, and meets the stringent requirements of tax authorities.

Audit Support

In the event of a tax audit or dispute, our transfer pricing experts are here to support you every step of the way. We provide representation, defend your transfer pricing policies, and assist in negotiating with tax authorities to achieve favorable outcomes.